
    Research Progresses in Isotope Fractionation Effect of Hexachlorocyclohexane Transformation and Its Environmental Application

    • 摘要: 有机污染物转化具有同位素分馏效应,此效应可用于揭示反应机理,并在环境污染的风险评价与治理修复中具有应用前景。六六六(六氯环己烷,HCH)曾长期用作杀虫剂,化学性质稳定,降解半衰期长,是典型的持久性有机污染物。近年来,在HCH不同转化途径的同位素分馏效应、环境中HCH的同位素分析等方面取得了许多进展,集中反映了污染物转化同位素分馏领域的理论成果和应用价值。该文在简要介绍同位素分馏现象及其分析方法——单体同位素分析(CSIA)技术的基础上,对以HCH为代表的有机污染物转化过程中的同位素分馏效应进行评述,着重介绍了新方法的运用,如双元素同位素分析、同位素-对映体分馏分析等。通过污染物溯源、食物链传递、土壤-植物体系转化和污染场地修复等方面的实例,展示了同位素分馏的潜在用途,以期为有机污染的风险评价与控制修复提供方法学参考。


      Abstract: Isotope fractionation effect of organic pollutant transformation facilitates a deep understanding of reaction mechanism, and potentially contributes to risk assessment and remediation of contaminated environments. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) had been used as pesticides for a long time. They have been classified as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) due to their stability in chemical properties and long half-life in the environment. In recent decades, significant advances were achieved in the isotope fractionation research of HCH transformation and in the isotopic analysis of environmental HCHs, reflecting the state-of-the-art theories and applications in this field. In this review, following a brief introduction to the phenomenon of isotopic fractionation and the compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) technique, the isotopic effects of HCH transformation were discussed, with an emphasis on the applications of novel technologies, such as dual-element isotope analysis and enatioselectivity analysis. Subsequently, the uses of isotope fractionation in pollutant traceability, food chain transmission, transformation in soil-plant systems and natural attenuation assessment were presented. These progresses demonstrate the potential applications of isotope fractionation in risk assessment and clean-up of environmental organic pollutants.


