
    Forest Phenology Changes and Their Responses to Climate Factors in the Huangshui River Basin from 2000 to 2020

    • 摘要: 基于Google Earth Engine云平台, 采用MODIS植被指数时间序列数据和气象数据, 结合湟水流域林地"一张图", 利用双Logistic函数拟合法、Theil-Sen趋势分析法、Mann-Kendall显著检验法及偏相关分析法, 研究了湟水流域2000-2020年森林及优势树种物候期的时空分布格局、变化趋势及其对季节性气候因子的响应。结果表明: (1)2000-2020年湟水流域森林多年平均生长季开始期(SOS)、生长季结束期(EOS)和生长季长度(LOS)分别为第143天、第261天和120 d, 森林的SOS变化较显著, 整体呈提前趋势, 提前幅度为0.080 d·a-1, 而大部分森林的EOS和LOS无明显变化。(2)就优势树种而言, 柏树物候变化最为剧烈, 其SOS以0.237 d·a-1的速率提前, EOS以0.211 d·a-1的速率延后, LOS则以0.403 d·a-1的速率延长。(3)SOS的提前主要受当年春季和前一年冬季地表温度的影响, EOS的延后则主要受当年夏季和秋季降水量的影响, 而夏季温度的升高则会使EOS提前。


      Abstract: Global climate change is inducing observable shifts in vegetation phenology, with spatial heterogeneity in both trends and drivers. As an important ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the forests in the Huangshui River Basin remain under-researched regarding phenological responses to climate change. This study was conducted on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud platform, utilizing MODIS vegetation index time-series data and meteorological data, along with the "one map" of forest land in the Huangshui River Basin. It applied multiple analytical methods, including double logistic function fitting, Theil-Sen trend analysis, Mann-Kendall significance tests, and partial correlation analysis, to examine the spatiotemporal distribution patterns, change trends, and seasonal climate responses of forests and dominant tree species phenology in the Huangshui River Basin from 2000 to 2020. The results show that: (1) the average start of growth season (SOS), end of growth season (EOS), and length of growth season (LOS) for forests in the Huangshui River Basin are on Day 143, Day 261, and 120 days, respectively. The SOS of forests changed distinctly, showing an overall trend of earlier onset, advancing at a rate of 0.080 d·a-1. In contrast, the EOS and LOS of most forests exhibited only slight changes. (2) Among dominant tree species, cypress tree display the most pronounced phenological changes, with SOS advancing at a rate of 0.237 d·a-1, EOS delaying at a rate of 0.211 d·a-1, and LOS prolonging at a rate of 0.403 d·a-1. (3) The advance of SOS is primarily influenced by the land surface temperature (LST) in the spring of the current year and the winter of the previous year, while the delay of EOS is mainly affected by the precipitation in the summer and autumn of the current year. Additionally, an increase in summer LST can accelerate the onset of EOS.


