
    Identification and Optimization of Traditional Village Morphology from the Perspective of Material-cultural Interaction: A Case Study of Miaoxia Village, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province.

    • 摘要: 在乡村振兴战略实施过程中,乡村聚落形态识别及规律分析对传统村落的传承发展与创新保护具有重要意义。本文基于表征与非表征理论和康泽恩形态学理论,从物质-文化互动视角构建涵盖历史形态、结构形态和功能文化形态的传统村落形态识别体系。以湖南省郴州市庙下村为案例,通过实地调研、参与式评估、问卷调查、深度访谈等方式对村落进行调查分析,研究结果表明:(1)从历史形态演化维度来看,受不同时期历史文化与社会文化的影响,庙下村聚落物质形态呈现出限制性扩张、集聚式增长、外延式发展和沿路式扩张4个阶段。(2)从结构形态的特征维度来看,村落内部形成由点、线、面交织的完整有序结构。其中,点要素在东北宗祠附近及中心处集聚,线要素呈交叉纵横的棋盘式布局特征,面要素的功能板块在村落中呈现界限清晰的规则有序布局。(3)不同点、线、面承载的文化空间有所差异。从文化形态维度来看,以乡村聚落内的1 086处现存建筑为评价单元,选取用地类型、建筑年代、建筑质量、建筑风貌、建筑层数和屋顶形式6个评价指标,采用2.5D空间形态表达方式探究文化价值的差异性,庙下村文化价值特征的各方面在空间上均呈现出显著集聚、相似与连续的特征。(4)基于物质-文化形态特征,将庙下村分为传统文化区、现代化生活区和传统生活区等6种功能类型,根据不同区域存在问题以及治理主体差异,进一步从管理策略上归并为保护区、整治区和更迭区,以村民、政府和企业主体构成的行动者网络为逻辑出发点,针对不同区域的开发保护提出建议,为促进传统村落可持续发展提供新视角。


      Abstract: In implementing rural revitalization strategies, the morphological analysis of rural settlements is fundamental to the preservation, development, innovation, and protection of traditional villages. This study established a comprehensive framework for identifying traditional village morphology through the lens of material-cultural interaction, synthesizing representational and non-representational theories with Conzenian urban morphology theory. The framework encompasses three dimensions: historical morphology, structural morphology, and functional cultural morphology. Using Miaoxia Village in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, as a case study, the research employed multiple methodological approaches, including field surveys, participatory assessments, questionnaire surveys, and in-depth interviews. The findings reveal four significant aspects: (1) The historical morphological evolution demonstrates four developmental stages—restricted expansion, clustered growth, outer development, and roadside expansion—shaped by historical and sociocultural influences across different periods. (2) In terms of structural morphology characteristics, the village′s interior structure exhibits a complete and ordered arrangement of points, lines, and planes. Points cluster near the northeast ancestral hall and the central area, line elements show a chessboard-like structure of intersecting grids, and functional areas of plane elements presented a clearly defined and orderly layout within the village. (3) Points, lines, and planes bear distinct cultural characteristics. The cultural morphological evaluation, based on 1 086 existing buildings, utilized six indicators: land use type, construction age, building quality, architectural style, building height, and roof form. Through 2.5D spatial analysis, the findings reveal significant spatial patterns of cultural agglomeration, similarity, and continuity. (4) Based on material-cultural morphological characteristics, Miaoxia Village is classified into six distinct zones, including traditional cultural areas and modern living areas. These zones are further categorized into protection, renovation, and replacement areas, with specific management strategies proposed for each category. The study concludes by proposing a collaborative governance framework involving villagers, government entities, and enterprises, offering novel insights for the sustainable development of traditional villages.


