
    Response of Litter-soil Ecological Stoichiometry Characteristics of Biofuel Crop Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) with Different Ecotypes to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition

    • 摘要: 柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)作为一种重要的生物能源植物,因其高生物量产出和高效的土壤碳氮固定能力,在生物能源领域具有重要地位。本文旨在探讨N、P添加对不同生态型能源植物柳枝稷凋落物与土壤生态化学计量特征的影响。通过对比高地型与低地型柳枝稷在不同N、P添加条件下的凋落物与土壤C、N、P含量及其化学计量比,揭示了生态型与养分添加交互作用对土壤有机碳分解、养分循环及植物养分吸收策略的影响。结果表明:(1)就N60处理而言,低地型柳枝稷叶全磷含量比高地型显著低20.39%,而就N120处理而言,低地型叶全磷含量比高地型显著高25.03%,这表明低地型柳枝稷在N添加条件下的P吸收能力显著高于高地型。(2)就N60处理而言,P50处理叶氮磷比较对照显著降低27.98%;就无磷添加对照而言,N60和N120处理枝碳氮比分别比对照显著降低26.41%和27.74%;N、P协同添加显著促进凋落物分解,增强土壤中N、P有效性,N、P协同添加对改善植物-土壤间的养分交换具有显著作用。(3)无磷添加条件下N60和N120处理低地型柳枝稷生物量分别比对照显著提高31.07%和29.39%,因而低地型柳枝稷在N添加条件下表现出更好的生长性能和生物量积累。综上所述,养分添加策略在考虑生态型特性基础上,对优化柳枝稷的生长表现及其生态服务功能具有重要指导意义。


      Abstract: Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) is a key bioenergy crop, valued in the bioenergy sector for its high biomass production and effective carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fixation in soils. This study aims to examine the effects of N and phosphorus (P) addition on the ecological stoichiometry of litter and soil of energy plant switchgrass. The study compares the C, N, and P content and their stoichiometric ratios in the litter and soil of upland and lowland switchgrass with various N and P treatments, revealing the effects of ecotype and nutrient addition interactions on soil nutrient cycling, and plant nutrient uptake strategies. The results show that: (1) Under the N60 treatment, the total P content in the leaves of lowland switchgrass was 20.39% lower than that of upland, whereas under the N120 treatment, it was 25.03% higher, indicating that lowland switchgrass has a significantly greater P absorption capacity with N addition compared to upland switchgrass. (2) Under the N60 treatment, the leaf N∶P ratio for the P50 treatment was significantly lower than the control by 27.98%. In addition, the branch C∶N ratio for the N60 and N120 treatments were significantly lower than the control by 26.41% and 27.74%, respectively. The simultaneous addition of N and P significantly promoted the decomposition of litter and potentially increase the availability of N and P in the soil, greatly improving the nutrient exchange between plants and soil. (3) The biomass of lowland switchgrass under N60 and N120 treatments was significantly higher than the control, increasing by 31.07% and 29.39%, respectively, indicating enhanced growth performance and biomass accumulation with N supplementation. In summary, nutrient addition strategies that take into account the characteristics of different ecotypes are essential for optimizing the growth performance and ecological service functions of switchgrass.


