
    Fish Diversity and Distribution in Spring in Maoli Lake Based on eDNA Technology

    • 摘要: 毛里湖位于湖南省4大水系之一的澧水下游, 是湖南省最大的溪水湖, 鱼类资源十分丰富, 然而毛里湖及入湖溪流的鱼类资源尚鲜有系统研究。了解毛里湖鱼类多样性现状及分布对毛里湖水生生物多样性保护具有重要意义。该研究基于2023年春季19处采样点的调查, 利用eDNA(Environmental DNA)宏条形码法对东毛里湖、西毛里湖及周边入湖水系进行了鱼类多样性及其分布格局调查。结果显示, 研究区检测到鱼类47种, 隶属于7目14科36属, 其中80.85%的种类属于鲤形目和鲈形目, 优势种为小黄黝鱼(Micropercops swinhonis)(26.07%)、团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)(15.47%)和鲤(Cyprinus carpio)(11.67%), 珍稀鱼类有圆尾斗鱼(Macropodus chinensis)和寡鳞鱊(Acheilognathus hypselonotus), 平均Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为2.38。毛里湖鱼类以杂食性和肉食性鱼类为主, 群落结构上、下层水环境鱼类较多。单因素方差分析结果表明, 湖区与永久性入湖溪流间的Pielou均匀度指数存在显著差异(P < 0.05), 鱼类群落间存在极显著差异(P < 0.001), 湖区鱼类物种较为丰富, 生态系统稳定性更高。冗余分析显示, 鱼类分布格局差异受水环境pH值和温度影响较大。该研究可为毛里湖及永久性入湖溪流的水生生物多样性保护提供科学依据。


      Abstract: Maoli Lake is located in the lower reaches of Lishui River, one of the four major river systems in Hunan Province. As the largest stream lake in Hunan Province with rich fish resources, no systematic research has been carried out on its fish diversity and distribution till now. Therefore, understanding the status quo and distribution of fish diversity is of great significance for the conservation of local aquatic biodiversity. Based on a survey of 19 sampling sites in the spring of 2023, the fish diversity and distribution pattern in East Maoli Lake, West Maoli Lake and the streams entering them were investigated using eDNA (environmental DNA) method. The results show that there were 47 fish species detected in the study area, belonging to 7 orders, 14 families and 36 genera, of which 80.85% belong to Cypriniformes and Perciformes. The dominant species were Micropercops swinhonis (26.07%), Megalobrama amblycephala (15.47%) and Cyprinus carpio (11.67%). The rare fish species were Macropodus chinensis and Acheilognathus hypselonotus. The average Shannon-Wiener's diversity index was 2.38. The fishes in Maoli Lake are mainly omnivorous and carnivorous, and there are more fish species in the lower layer of the water in terms of community structure. The results of univariate ANOVA show that there were significant differences in Pielou Evenness Index (P < 0.05) and Fish Communities (P < 0.001) between lakes and permanent streams. Moreover, the lake areas had more abundant fish species and higher ecosystem stability. The redundancy analysis show that the distribution pattern were mainly influenced by pH and temperature of the aquatic environment. This study can provide basics for the application of eDNA technology to the survey of fish resources and provide a reference for the conservation of aquatic biodiversity in Maoli Lake and permanent streams entering the lake.


