
    Ecological Function Zoning Based on the Spatial-temporal Change Pattern of Ecosystem Services and Their Trade-offs: A Case Study of the Chaobai River Basin

    • 摘要: 基于生态系统服务及其权衡关系的时空分布模式进行生态功能区划,能够满足特定区域协调多种生态系统服务的现实需求,有助于明晰差异化的管控策略,促进区域可持续发展。本研究以潮白河流域为研究区,采用遥感/GIS技术和空间分析方法,分析研究区2000—2020年粮食生产、水源涵养和娱乐休闲3种生态系统服务的时空变化特征;采用相关性系数、权衡协同度及均方根偏差对生态系统服务权衡与协同关系进行系统分析,明确权衡与协同关系的强度及空间分布特征。在此基础上,综合考虑生态系统服务间的权衡关系及权衡强度进行生态功能分区,并提出针对性的生态系统服务优化调控建议。研究结果表明:(1)研究区娱乐休闲及粮食生产服务呈增加趋势,水源涵养呈波动增加趋势。(2)水源涵养分别与粮食生产、娱乐休闲服务之间均表现为权衡关系,粮食生产和娱乐休闲服务之间表现为协同关系。不同生态系统服务类型间的权衡/协同关系空间分布特征存在显著差异。(3)水源涵养与粮食生产之间的权衡强度最大,娱乐休闲与水源涵养之间的权衡强度次之,粮食生产与娱乐休闲之间的权衡强度最弱,3者的权衡强度随时间推移均呈增加趋势。(4)将潮白河流域划分为农业核心生产区、农业生态发展区、水源涵养核心保育区和水源涵养生态发展区4个生态功能区,并提出了差异化的管控建议。研究结果可为京津冀地区协同发展及国土空间管控提供参考。


      Abstract: Ecological function zoning based on spatial-temporal distribution pattern of ecosystem services and their trade-offs can support multiple ecosystem services coordinating in specific regions, differentiated management strategies clarifying, and regional sustainable development promotion. This study analyzes the spatial-temporal characteristics of three ecosystem services in the Chaobai River basin from 2000 to 2020, including food production, water conservation and recreation through 3S technology and spatial analysis methods. The correlation coefficient, trade-offs and synergies degree and root mean square deviation were calculated to analyze the trade-offs and synergies between ecosystem services. The intensity and spatial distribution pattern of trade-offs and synergies relations is clarified. The ecological functions zoning is carried out according to the trade-off and its intensity between ecosystem services. Finally, the corresponding suggestions for optimizing and regulating ecosystem services in each zone are proposed. The research results indicate that: (1) The recreation and food production services show an increasing trend, while the water conservation service shows a fluctuating trend. (2) There is a trade-off between water conservation and food production, as well as recreation; there is a synergy between food production and recreation. The spatial distribution differences of trade-offs/synergies between ecosystem services are significant. (3) The trade-off intensity between water conservation and food production is the strongest, followed by the trade-off between recreation and water conservation. The trade-off intensity between food production and entertainment is the weakest. All of the three trade-off intensity showed an increasing trend with time. (4) The Chaobai River basin is divided into four ecological functional zones including core area of agricultural production, ecological development area of agriculture, core area of water conservation, ecological development area of water conservation. Differentiated management suggestions for each zoning are proposed accordingly. The research results can provide reference for the coordinated development and spatial planning of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.


