刘守国, 邰威, 王征, 等. 江苏大丰沿海地区林鸟的食果网络研究[J]. 生态与农村环境学报, 2024, 40(7): 927-932. DOI: 10.19741/j.issn.1673-4831.2023.0870
    引用本文: 刘守国, 邰威, 王征, 等. 江苏大丰沿海地区林鸟的食果网络研究[J]. 生态与农村环境学报, 2024, 40(7): 927-932. DOI: 10.19741/j.issn.1673-4831.2023.0870
    LIU Shou-guo, TAI Wei, WANG Zheng, et al. Study on Plant-frugivore Network in the Coastal Region of Dafeng, Jiangsu[J]. Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment, 2024, 40(7): 927-932. DOI: 10.19741/j.issn.1673-4831.2023.0870
    Citation: LIU Shou-guo, TAI Wei, WANG Zheng, et al. Study on Plant-frugivore Network in the Coastal Region of Dafeng, Jiangsu[J]. Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment, 2024, 40(7): 927-932. DOI: 10.19741/j.issn.1673-4831.2023.0870


    Study on Plant-frugivore Network in the Coastal Region of Dafeng, Jiangsu

    • 摘要: 鸟类对植物果实的取食影响着植物种群更新, 对维系生物多样性至关重要。于2022年11月至翌年2月在江苏大丰沿海地区林地生境收集鸟类多样性数据, 研究林鸟对植物种子的取食, 用以构建鸟类食果网络并分析网络结构与鸟类特征和植物特征的关联性。结果表明, 大丰沿海地区秋冬季林鸟共记录7目22科44种; 食果网络由15种食果鸟类和7种结果植物组成, 连接度和专业性较低; 鸟类数量与物种度、物种强度和连接多样性呈显著相关, 但鸟类形态特征并不影响网络结构; 植株数量和结实量与物种度呈显著相关, 植株数量与连接多样性呈显著相关, 而株高与专性指数呈显著负相关。研究表明, 大丰沿海地区秋冬季鸟类食果网络结构较为简单, 鸟类种群大小和植物特征是影响网络结构的关键因素。


      Abstract: Birds play a vital role in renewing plant populations and maintaining biodiversity through their foraging on plant fruits. In this study, bird diversity data were collected from November 2022 to February 2023 in forest habitats in the coastal area of Dafeng, Jiangsu Province. A bird foraging network was constructed to analyze the correlation of the network structure with bird and plant characteristics. This study identified 44 forest bird species across seven orders and 22 families in the coastal area of Dafeng during the autumn and winter seasons. The plant-frugivore network, consisting of 15 bird and seven plant species, exhibited low connectance and low specialization. The results suggest a significant correlation between the number of birds and species degree, species strength, and partner diversity. However, no correlation was observed between network structure and bird morphological traits. Correlation analysis indicated a significant positive correlation between the degree of species, the number of plants, and fruit yield. Furthermore, the number of plants was positively correlated with partner diversity. However, plant height showed a significant negative correlation with specialization. This study shows that the structure of the plant-frugivore network during autumn and winter in the coastal region of Dafeng is comparatively simple. The size of the bird population and plant traits were identified as fundamental factors influencing the structure of the network.


