
    Genetic Diversity and the Origin-tracing Analysis in Cynops orientalis Traded Online

    • 摘要: 随着网络经济和物流产业的发展,越来越多的两栖动物作为异宠出现在网络交易平台,网络贸易已然成为野生动物非法交易的重灾区。以网络交易平台上的东方蝾螈(Cynops orientalis)为对象,对中国5个不同地区(广西、广东、河南、辽宁和山东)的种群进行遗传多样性分析,探究网络交易平台上东方蝾螈的遗传多样性,并结合已公布的基因序列信息对其原产地进行溯源分析。结果表明,来自不同货源地的养殖种群均具有较高遗传多样性(单倍型多样性大于0.95)。值得注意的是,网络交易平台上的部分东方蝾螈来自安徽、浙江的野生种群。针对东方蝾螈开发了基于线粒体DNA的分子溯源技术,为网络野生动物交易管理提供了有效的技术手段,并就规范野生动物网络交易提出对策建议。


      Abstract: As the internet economy and logistics sector continue to advance, a growing number of amphibians are being traded as exotic pets on online platforms. Consequently, online commerce has emerged as a significant contributor to illegal wildlife trading. In this study, we employed the Chinese red-bellied newts (Cynops orientalis) as a case study to evaluate the genetic variability from five different regions (Guangxi, Guangdong, Henan, Liaoning, and Shandong) in China. Our primary objective was to examine the impact of online trading on the genetic diversity among different populations of C. orientalis. Furthermore, we performed an origin tracing analysis for C. orientalis listed on diverse online marketplaces. The findings reveal that the newt populations originated from different geographical regions exhibited exceptionally high genetic diversity, with haplotype diversity values more than 0.95. Notably, some of newts sold on online trading platforms come from wild populations in Anhui and Zhejiang provinces. In brief, our study developed a molecular tracing technology based on mitochondrial DNA for C. orientalis, providing an effective technical approach to the management of online wildlife trades and offering valuable recommendations for regulating such activities.


