
    Study on the Population Dynamics of Phragmites australis along the Tidal Gradients at Shanghai Chongming Dongtan Wetland

    • 摘要: 芦苇(Phragmites australis)是崇明东滩湿地潮间带的优势种, 具有良好的水土保持与净化功能。芦苇种群主要在中、高潮滩呈带状分布, 但在低潮滩也有小斑块状分布。作为典型根茎型克隆植物的芦苇种群, 在盐沼湿地不同潮滩表现出怎样的种群动态特征, 进而反映出怎样的差异化的适应能力, 值得深入研究。以分布在崇明东滩湿地低、中、高3个潮滩上的芦苇种群为研究对象, 全程定位追踪起始于4、6月的同生群在整个生长季的生长、发育过程, 并定量分析它们的动态生命表、生存曲线、生存率和累积死亡率, 系统揭示分布于3个潮滩的芦苇种群典型动态特征。结果表明: (1)起始于4月的处于低、中、高3个潮滩上的芦苇同生群, 其生存曲线存在差异, 它们分别趋近于Deevey-Ⅰ型、Deevey-Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型的过渡型, 以及Deevey-Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型的过渡型; (2)起始于6月的处于低、中潮滩上的芦苇同生群, 其生存曲线呈现出与4月同生群相似的特征, 高潮滩同生群则由Deevey-Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型的过渡型转变成Deevey-Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型的过渡型; (3)经综合分析, 高潮滩芦苇同生群稳定性最强, 低潮滩同生群相对不稳定, 中潮滩同生群在生长初期不稳定而在生长中后期趋于稳定; (4)基于上述研究结果, 针对东滩湿地沿潮滩梯度分布的芦苇种群的保育与管理提出了合理建议。


      Abstract: Phragmites australis is a dominant species in the intertidal zones of the Chongming Dongtan wetland and has good functions in water and soil conservation and purification.P. australis populations mainly distribute at the middle and high tidal flats with zonal pattern, but also distribute at the low tidal flats with small patches. As a typical rhizomatous clonal plant, how P. australis populations will show their dynamic characteristics and adaptive abilities along the different tidal flats is worth studying deeply. In this study, we analyzed the whole growth and developmental processes of the cohorts of P. australis starting from April and June, through location tracking method and analysis on the dynamic life tables, survival curves, survival rates and cumulative mortality rates, so as to reveal the dynamic characteristics of P. australis populations distributing at the three tidal flats. The results show as follows: (1) the survival curves of cohorts starting from April at low, middle and high tidal flats tended to approach the Deevey-Ⅰ type, and transition form of Deevey-Ⅱ type and Deevey-Ⅲ type, and transition form of Deevey-Ⅰ type and Deevey-Ⅱ type; (2) the survival curves of cohorts starting from June at the low and middle tidal flats were similar to April cohorts, while the cohort's survival curve at the high tidal flats changed from the transition form of Deevey-Ⅰ type and Deevey-Ⅱ type to the transition form of Deevey-Ⅱ type and Deevey-Ⅲ type; (3) through the comprehensive analysis, the stability of P. australis populations was the strongest at the high tidal flat, and the most fragile at the low tidal flat, while the populations at the middle tidal flat was unstable at the early growth stage and tended to be stable later; (4) based on the above results, pertinent suggestions were put forward for the conservation and management of P. australis populations distributing along the tidal flat gradient in Dongtan wetland.


