江苏东部沿海地区野生种子植物区系及物种多样性: 以灌云县为例

    Species Diversity Characteristics of Native Seed Plants in Eastern Coastal Area of Jiangsu: A Case Study of Guanyun County

    • 摘要: 江苏东部沿海地区频繁的土地开发活动使得许多植物面临着不同程度的威胁。为了解该地区的植物区系和物种多样性特征, 以江苏省灌云县植物区系为例, 采用全面踏查、定点样线、样方调查和特殊地区重点调查相结合的方法进行实地调查, 并与江苏东部沿海地区4个周边县(区)进行比较。结果表明: (1)江苏省灌云县有野生种子植物72科240属357种, 以被子植物占绝对优势, 而裸子植物贫乏, 灌云县较相邻地区具有更丰富的野生种子植物物种多样性; (2)从科级水平上看, 灌云县野生种子植物科的分布区类型有6种, 其中热带成分占58.33%, 温带成分占41.67%;从属级水平上看, 灌云县野生种子植物属的分布区类型有14种, 其中热带成分占37.25%, 温带成分占61.75%, 热带属与温带属的比值(R/T值)为60.32%;(3)灌云县草本植物种类最为丰富, 且草本群落的物种丰富度指数(R)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson优势度指数(D)均显著高于乔木群落和灌木群落(P < 0.001);(4)由沿海到内陆(由东向西), 随着距海距离的增加, 草本植物的物种丰富度指数(R)呈显著增加趋势(P < 0.05), 而Pielou均匀度指数(J)则呈显著降低趋势(P < 0.001);(5)灌云县中西部具有较高的物种多样性, 其中伊芦山、大伊山及其周边地区是生物多样性保护的重点区域; (6)灌云县与江苏东部沿海地区4个周边县(区)野生种子植物属的相似性系数(similarity coefficient, Sc)均在50%以上, 其中与灌南县野生种子植物区系的相似性系数最高(61.96%)。研究结果可为灌云县野生植物多样性的有效保护、科学管理以及持续利用提供基础数据资料。


      Abstract: Many plants are threatened to varying degrees due to frequent land development activities in the eastern coastal areas of Jiangsu. We selected the flora of Guanyun County in Lianyungang City as study object. In order to study the flora and species diversity characteristics of native seed plants in this area, a comprehensive survey method was used in combination with line survey, sampling survey and special area investigation. In addition, the floristic characteristics of this County was compared with those of four surrounding Counties in the eastern coastal area of Jiangsu. The results indicate that: (1) there were 357 species belonging to 240 genera and 72 families of native seed plants in this County. Angiosperms were dominant and gymnosperms were scarce. The diversity of native seed plants species is higher in this Conunty than that of in the adjacent Counties. (2) At the family level, there were 6 areal types of native seed plants, among which the tropical and temperate components accounted for 58.33% and 41.67%, respectively; at the genus level, there were 14 areal types of native seed plants, among which the tropical and temperate components accounted for 37.25% and 61.75%, respectively, and the ratio of tropical genera to temperate genera (R/T value) was 60.32%. (3) Guanyun county has the most abundant herbaceous plant species, and the species richness index (R), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H) and Simpson dominance index (D) of herbaceous layer were significantly higher than those of the tree layer and shrub layer (P < 0.001). (4) From coastal to inland (from east to west), with the increase of the distance from the sea, the species richness index (R) of herbaceous plants increased significantly (P < 0.05), while the Pielou evenness index (J) of herbaceous plants decreased significantly (P < 0.001). (5) There was high species diversity in the central and western parts of Guanyun County, especially in Yilu mountain and Dayi mountain and their surrounding areas, which were the key areas for biodiversity conservation. (6) the similarity coefficients (SC) of native seed plants genera between Guanyun County and its four surrounding areas of Northern Jiangsu Plain were all above 50%, and the similarity coefficient of native seed plants flora of Guanyun County with Guannan County was the highest (SC=61.96%). Guanyun county is an important part of the eastern coastal area of Jiangsu Province. This study provides the foundational data for effective conservation, scientific management and sustainable utilization of native plant diversity in Guanyun County.


