
    Genetic Diversity of Cyanotoxins Synthesis Gene of Toxin-producing Cyanobacteria in Haigeng of Dianchi Lake in Yunnan

    • 摘要: 蓝藻水华是世界范围关注的重大环境问题,产毒蓝藻所产生的蓝藻毒素严重危害水生态安全和人类健康。为了解云南滇池产毒蓝藻产毒基因的多样性,针对产毒蓝藻特有的微囊藻毒素合成酶基因mcyE、鱼腥藻毒素合成酶基因anaC和麻痹性贝类毒素合成酶基因sxtA,采用常规PCR技术,于2017年3月-2018年2月对滇池海埂水域产毒蓝藻种类和产毒基因多样性进行研究。结果表明,在云南滇池海埂水域样品中均检测到蓝藻产毒基因mcyE、anaC和sxtA。通过TA克隆测序得到基因序列并构建进化树分析发现,滇池海埂水域中3种蓝藻产毒基因多样性较单一,mcyE基因主要由微囊藻属藻类产生,anaC和sxtA基因主要由束丝藻属藻类产生。


      Abstract: Cyanobacteria bloom is a global environmental issue, and the cyanotoxins produced by cyanobacteria seriously endanger aquatic ecosystem and human health. In order to analyze the genetic diversity of cyanotoxins synthesis genes of the toxin-producing cyanobacteria in Dianchi Lake, the expression and sequences of microcystin synthase gene mcyE, anatoxin synthase gene anaC and paralytic shellfish toxins sxtA gene were investigated by Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) and TA-cloning-sequencing in Haigeng from March 2017 to February 2018. These three genes were detected in all sampling area. Phylogenetic trees were conducted for analysing of these genes and it was found that the genetic diversity of the three cyanotoxins synthesis genes was relatively single, the mcyE gene was mainly produced by Microcystis, whereas anaC and sxtA genes were mainly produced by Aphanizomenon.


