
    Effects of Spraying Uniconazole (S3307) on Cadmium Accumulation of Two Ecotypes of Bidens pilosa

    • 摘要: 随着土壤重金属污染的加剧,探究提高超富集植物对土壤修复效率的方法具有十分重要的现实意义。为揭示烯效唑(S3307)对超富集植物鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)生长和重金属积累的影响,通过盆栽试验,研究喷施不同浓度S3307溶液(0、25、50、75、100和125 mg·L-1)对2种生态型(农田生态型和矿山生态型)鬼针草生长和镉积累的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,S3307对2种生态型鬼针草的生长均表现出抑制作用,显著降低其生物量及株高。与对照相比,S3307显著提高2种生态型鬼针草叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素等光合色素以及镉含量。当ρ(S3307)为125 mg·L-1时,农田生态型和矿山生态型鬼针草地上部分镉含量均达到最大值,分别比对照提高91.44%和77.79%。对鬼针草镉积累量而言,当ρ(S3307)为25 mg·L-1时2种生态型鬼针草地上部分和整株镉积累量均达到最大值。适当浓度的S3307可以有效提高农田生态型和矿山生态型鬼针草对镉污染土壤的修复能力,当ρ(S3307)为25 mg·L-1时效果最好。


      Abstract: With the intensification of soil heavy metal contamination, it is of great practical to explore ways to improve the soil remediation efficiency by hyperaccumulator plants. To reveal the effects of uniconazole (S3307) on the growth and heavy metal accumulation of hyperaccumulator plants, pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of spraying S3307 solution with different concentrations(0, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 mg·L-1) on the growth and cadmium accumulation of two ecotypes (farmland and mining) of Bidens pilosa. The results show that S3307 inhibited the growth of both the two ecotypes of Bidens pilosa by significantly decreasing the biomass and plant height. Compared with the control, S3307 significantly increased the photosynthetic pigment (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid) contents and cadmium contents in two ecotypes of Bidens pilosa. When the concentration of S3307 was 125 mg·L-1, the cadmium contents in the shoots of farmland and mining ecotypes of Bidens pilosa got the maximum, which were 91.44% and 77.79% higher, respectively, than the control. For the cadmium accumulation amount of Bidens pilosa, the cadmium accumulation amount by the shoots and whole plants of two ecotypes of Bidens pilosa got the maximum when the concentration of S3307 was 25 mg·L-1. The suitable concentrations of S3307 could effectively improve the remediation ability of farmland and mining ecotypes of Bidens pilosa to cadmium-contaminated soil, and the best dose is 25 mg·L-1.


