
    Landscape Ecological Security Pattern in Central Guizhou Urban Agglomeration

    • 摘要: 城市群景观生态安全格局是城市群健康可持续发展的安全保障。为识别黔中城市群景观生态安全格局,采用ENVI 5.3和ArcGIS 10.2软件解译黔中城市群2017年土地利用类型,以生态系统服务重要性与生态环境敏感性为依据识别黔中城市群生态源地,基于石漠化程度与土地利用类型构建黔中城市群阻力面,确定缓冲区,通过成本距离分析和路径分析生成廊道,识别生态节点,最终构建黔中城市群景观生态安全格局。结果表明,黔中城市群低水平安全格局面积为30 354.95 km2,占黔中城市群总面积的56.42%;中水平安全格局面积为35 132.14 km2,占黔中城市群总面积的65.30%;高水平安全格局面积为39 780.76 km2,占黔中城市群总面积的73.94%。景观生态安全格局区域主要分布在黔中城市群西部及南部地区。黔中城市群需要加强保护的区域面积占比很大,在城市建设规划中应加以重视,以免破坏黔中城市群生态环境。


      Abstract: The ecological security of urban landscape pattern is the pre-condition for the sustainable development of urban agglomerations. With the aim to clarify the ecological security of landscape pattern of agglomerated cities in Guizhou Province, ENVI and ArcGIS were used to interpret for local land use type in 2017. Therein, the ecological source plots were identified from the analysis on importance of ecosystem services and ecological environment sensitivity. Based on the proportion of rocky desertification and land use type, the areal surface of the resistance to agglomerated cities was constructed. Furthermore, the buffering zone was detected, hence the ecological node can be identified to generate the corridor by analyzing the cost at distance and path. The landscape ecological security pattern in Central Guizhou urban agglomeration was then constructed. And the following results were obtained. The low level security pattern in the landscape ecological security pattern in Central Guizhou urban agglomeration was 30 354.95 km2, accounting for 56.42% of the total area, the middle level occupied 35 132.14 km2, accounting for 65.30% of the total area, and the high level occupied 39 780.76 km2, accounting for 73.94% of the total urban area. As the protection of the large area of Central Guizhou urban agglomeration need to be strengthened, attention should be paid to urban construction planning, so as, not to destroy the ecological environment in Central Guizhou urban agglomeration.


