
    Progress of Research on Environmental Criteria for Lead in Soil

    • 摘要: 环境基准是环境标准制修订的科学依据,同时也是进行环境质量评价、环境风险控制和应急事故管理以及建立整个环境管理体系的科学基础,是国家环境保护和环境管理的基石与根本。从保护人体健康、保护生态安全和保护农产品安全3个方面综合分析了国内外重金属铅土壤环境基准的研究现状和主要技术要点,进一步展望了我国重金属铅土壤环境基准未来发展过程中面临的关键问题,以期为我国重金属铅土壤环境基准研究提出建议。


      Abstract: Environmental criteria are the scientific basis for the revision of environmental standards, quality assessment, risk control, emergency accident management and the whole management system. They are also the foundation for national environment protection and management. The research status and main technical points of environmental criteria on heavy metal lead in soil at home and abroad were comprehensively analyzed from three aspects, human health, ecological safety and agricultural products safety. Possible key issues in its future development in China are further prospected so as to provide reference for the study of relevant environmental criteria in China.


