
    Response of Soil Nematodes to Different Pest Control Strategies in the Pear Orchard

    • 摘要: 为探究土壤线虫群落对梨园不同害虫防治策略的响应,通过田间试验研究北京地区不同害虫防治策略下梨园土壤线虫的群落结构。按照不同的害虫防治策略将梨园划分为常规区(频繁化学防治)、试验1区(农药减施防治)和试验2区(以植物源农药为主的农药减施防治),共统计土壤线虫9 960条,隶属于线虫动物门2纲5目23科43属。试验1区0~20 cm土层土壤线虫数量显著大于常规区(P < 0.05),试验2区0~20 cm土层土壤线虫数量显著大于试验1区(P < 0.05)。试验1区、试验2区>20~40 cm土层植物寄生线虫数量显著高于常规区(P < 0.05)。从相对丰度来看,试验1区、试验2区>20~40 cm土层食细菌线虫相对丰度显著低于常规区(P < 0.05),而植物寄生线虫相对丰度则显著高于常规区(P < 0.05)。常规区具有较高的优势度指数(λ),试验1区、试验2区具有较高的多样性指数(H')和均匀度指数(J)。以上结果表明,频繁的化学农药防治会影响梨园土壤线虫的群落结构,降低土壤线虫群落的多样性,而化学农药减施并适当施用植物源农药则有利于减少对土壤线虫数量及多样性的影响。


      Abstract: To explore the response of soil nematodes to different pest control strategies in the pear orchard, community composition of soil nematodes in the pear orchard was investigated in Beijing. A total of 9 960 soil nematode individuals were captured and classified into 2 classes, 5 orders, 23 families and 43 genera at 0-20 and >20-40 cm soil depth in three plots:conventional plot(frequent chemical control), experimental plot-1(pesticide reduction)and experimental plot-2(pesticide reduction based on botanical pesticides), which were divided according to the different pest control strategies. The number of total soil nematodes collected at 0-20 cm soil depth in the experimental plot-1 was significantly higher(P < 0.05) than that in the conventional plot, but was significantly lower(P < 0.05) than that in the experimental plot-2.The relative abundance of bacterivores at >20-40 cm soil depth in the experimental plot-1 and the experimental plot-2 were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than that in the conventional plot, but the relative abundance of herbivores at >20-40 cm soil depth in the experimental plot-1 and the experimental plot-2 were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that in the conventional plot. The value of Simpson's dominance index (λ) was higher in conventional plot, while the values of Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H') and Pielou evenness index (J) were higher in experimental plot-1 and experimental plot-2. The results indicate that frequent chemical control affected community structure of soil nematodes in pear orchard and also decreased the diversity of soil nematodes community, but pesticide reduction and application of botanical pesticide reduced the effects on the number and diversity of soil nematodes.


