
    Advances in Soil Moisture Monitoring Using Cosmic Ray Neutron Probe Method

    • 摘要: 宇宙射线中子法(cosmic ray neutron probe,CRNP)是一种通过监测近地表宇宙射线中子流变化来预测土壤含水量的方法。该方法的突出特点在于百米范围的监测尺度,填补了传统点测量和遥感大范围监测间的尺度空缺,并为中小尺度农田、环境和水文等方面研究提供一种新的土壤水监测新技术。在介绍用CRNP法测量土壤含水量基本原理的基础上,分析了该方法测量结果的空间尺度代表性以及大气、土壤和植被等环境因素对其测量结果的影响;综述了近年来该方法在农业管理、水文研究和气象预报等领域的应用进展和动态以及当前研究中存在的问题和今后可能的发展方向。通过对相关研究成果的总结和分析,期望为该技术的深入发展和推广应用提供帮助。


      Abstract: Soil water plays an important role in the critical zone water cycle, and the results of soil water content observation can in some way affect the allocation of water resources, determination of agricultural practices, and development of environmental disaster forecast. Cosmic ray neutron probe (CRNP)method, which measures soil water content by monitoring the change of neutron current in the near surface cosmic ray, has advanced rapidly in the last decades. The fundamental theories of using CRNP into soil moisture monitoring are introduced. The method has a support volume at hundred-meter (horizontal)and decimeter (vertical)scale, which fills the gap between field sampling and remote sensing. The sensor response is not only influenced by soil water, but other hydrogen reservoirs near land surface, and even within the support volume these factors still don't contribute evenly. Therefore, interpretation of the sensor response, which includes determination of the exact range of the support volume, allocation of spatial weighting factors within the support volume, and calibration of the impacts of atmosphere, soil and vegetation, remains the critical work during the development of the method; and a number of researchers have continuously contributed on it. The current utilization of the method in agricultural management, hydrological modeling and meteorological forecast is enumerated, and existing problems and possible development directions in future are also discussed. By the synthesis of the related work, it is expected to promote a further and extensive application of this method into the above areas.


