
    Review on the Closure Fees Withholding System of Hazardous Waste Landfill Site in Foreign Countries and Its Inspirations for China

    • 摘要: 20世纪80年代,美国、欧盟和日本等发达国家或地区分别建立了危险废物填埋场退役资金预提留管理制度。发达国家的经验显示,该制度能有效保障危险废物填埋场封场及维护资金来源并能控制长期环境风险。通过对发达国家制度及经验的研究,从法律法规、退役资金估算方法和管理制度等方面对危险废物填埋场退役资金预提留制度进行系统分析。建立了我国危险废物填埋场退役资金的测算方法,并据此展开案例分析。针对国内危险废物填埋场退役资金预提留管理制度发展现状,提出完善建议:将退役资金预提留计划纳入危险废物经营许可证管理内容,通过许可证管理体系保障退役资金预提留制度的实施,并对照经营单位年度规范化管理考核要求进行监督管理;填埋场运营者需按照测算方法对退役资金进行测算,存入专项资金管理账户或以保证金形式交由政府指定机构管理,并将该资金纳入投资概算或经营成本;填埋场运营者需向环保部门提出退役申请并获得批准后,按照实际发生费用逐年提取使用退役资金。


      Abstract: In the 1980s, U. S., EU, Japan and other developed countries respectively established management systems of withholding decommission fund for hazardous wastes landfill sites. The experiences from developed countries show that the system can not only effectively ensured the financial sources for the closure and maintenance of decommissioned hazardous wastes landfill sites, but also successfully controll the long-term environmental risks. By studying the systems and experiences of developed countries, the paper systematically analyzed the management systems of withholding decommission fund for hazardous wastes landfill sites from the perspectives of laws and regulations, cost estimate method for the decommission fund and management systems etc.. Based on the analyses, the calculation method for the decommission fund for hazardous wastes landfill sites in China has been established and case analysis conducted. Recommendations for the improvement based on the development status of the management systems in this regard in China has been proposed:To incorporate the withholding plan into the permit management for hazardous wastes landfill sites to guarantee the implementation of decommission fund management; To conduct supervision and management based on the annual evaluation requirements for the standardized management of operators; The landfill sites operators should calculate decommission fund according to the calculation method, deposit the fund in the special account for management or transfer the fund to government designated institutions for management in the form of guaranty, and incorporate the fund into investment budget or operation costs; The landfill site operators should apply to the environment authority for decommission and get approval, then withdraw and use the decommission fund year by year based on the actual expenditure.


