
    Relationship Between Provision and Reception of Ecological Service of Carbon Fixation and Oxygen Release in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region.

    • 摘要: 固碳释氧是自然生态系统重要生态服务能力之一,对全球气候变化和人类社会发展都具有重要意义。以京津冀为研究区,利用净初级生产力(NPP)和京津冀碳排放、氧消耗数据,基于ArcGIS平台、供-受生态域理论与方法,研究像元尺度固碳释氧净生态服务能力,并对固碳释氧的生态服务供受关系进行研究。结果表明:(1)京津冀固碳释氧净生态服务能力呈现西北高东南低的趋势。净生态服务能力最强的区域主要分布在承德、张家口东部、北京西北部、秦皇岛北部和保定西北部地区。净生态服务能力负值区主要分布于研究区大部分地级市及其以上行政区的经济发展核心区和人口聚集区。(2)按固碳释氧服务价值量来衡量,净生态服务正值区面积占全区面积的64.32%,负值区面积占35.68%;但正值区单位面积供给能力不足,负值区单位面积需求量大。研究区整体上固碳释氧生态服务不能满足自身需求,京津冀单位面积固碳释氧净生态服务价值量为-0.93元·m-2·a-1。(3)研究区共有64个生态供体县域、33个平衡县域和82个受体县域,固碳释氧净生态服务价值量最高的是承德市丰宁满族自治县,价值量为1.01元·m-2·a-1;最低的是天津市和平区,价值量为-339.46元·m-2·a-1


      Abstract: Carbon fixation and oxygen release is an important eco-service of natural ecosystems, and mean significantly to global climate change and development of human society. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region was cited as the study area, of which the net primary productivity (NPP) and carbon emission and oxygen consumption data were collected for analysis of net capacity of the ecosystem of the region providing eco-service of carbon-fixing and oxygen-releasing (CFOR) at the pixel scale and provision-reception relationship of the eco-service, with the aid of the ArcGIS platform, and theories and methods of the "Provision-Reception " domain. Results show that:(1) The net CFOR eco-service capacity of the region exhibited a declining trend from northwest to southeast, with the highest values mainly distributed in Chengde, east Zhangjiakou, northwest Beijing, north Qinhuangdao, and northwest Baoding, and negative values in the core economically developed and densely populated areas in most of the prefecture-level cities and above; (2) According to the value of the CFOR service, the areas positive in net eco-service value accounted for 64.32% of the region in land area, while the areas negative in the value did for 35.68%; but the former was inadequate in supply capacity, whereas the latter high in demand of the eco-service. As a whole, the studied region is unable to satisfy itself in CFOR eco-service. The eco-service in the region is priced at -0.93 yuan·m-2·a-1. (3) The studied area has a total of 64 eco-service provider counties, 33 eco-balance counties, and 82 benefited counties. CFOR eco-service is the highest in Fengning Manchu Autonomous County of Chengde City, reaching 1.01 yuan ·m-2·a-1, and the lowest in Heping District of Tianjin City, being -339.46 yuan ·m-2·a-1.


