
    Effect of Chlorpyrifos EC on the Function Diversity of Soil Microbial Community.

    • 摘要: 利用BIOLOG-ECO方法研究了土壤使用480 g·L-1毒死蜱乳油对土壤微生物功能多样性的影响,结果显示:(1)平均颜色变化率(AWCD)显示,土壤毒死蜱含量较低(≤12.5 mg·kg-1)时可刺激土壤微生物对碳源的利用能力,但20 d后刺激作用减弱;当土壤毒死蜱含量较高(125 mg·kg-1)时对土壤微生物碳源利用能力有抑制作用。(2)微生物对碳源利用特征分析显示,土壤外源添加毒死蜱后可促进土壤微生物对酯类碳源的利用,但对糖类碳源利用能力较低。(3)主成分分析结果表明,高浓度处理组(125 mg·kg-1)土壤微生物对碳源的利用方式与较低浓度处理组(≤12.5 mg·kg-1)和对照组均有明显差异。(4)群落多样性指数分析显示,土壤中毒死蜱含量较低(≤12.5 mg·kg-1)时刺激土壤微生物群落丰富度增加;但土壤中毒死蜱含量较高(125 mg·kg-1)时则诱导微生物群落结构向单一化发展。


      Abstract: BIOLOG-ECO methed was used for the investigation of the effect of 480 g·L-1 chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrate (EC) on soil microbial functional diversity. The results demonstrated that (1) the average well color development (AWCD) of the lower chloripyrifos concentration treatments (≤12.5 mg·kg-1) were greater than that of the control soil, and the irritation disappeared after used 20 d. On the contrary, the ability of microbial utilizing carbon source was inhibited in the highest chloripyrifos concentration treatment at 125 mg·kg-1. (2) Between the chloripyrifos treatments and control, the carbon source utilization characterization of soil microbial exhibited significant differences, as utilization of ester compounds was improved, while that of sugar compounds was not improved significantly. (3) The results of principal component analysis (PCA) show that the carbon source utilization of soil microbial at treatment had significant difference with below 12.5 mg·kg-1 treatments and the control. (4) The diversity index results showed that the highest concentration of chloripyrifos (at 125 mg·kg-1) in soil could significantly inhibit soil microbial community richness, while the lower level of chloripyrifos (≤12.5 mg·kg-1) promoted microbial community richness.


