
    Status Quo of in Situ Conservation and Protection Gaps for Natural Vegetation in Jilin Province, China

    • 摘要: 基于文献和自然保护区科学考察资料,分析了吉林省自然植被的就地保护现状和保护空缺。结果显示,吉林省自然植被共包含8个植被型组、11个植被型、18个植被亚型、32个群系组以及67个群系。其中,有61个群系分布于自然保护区中,就地保护率达到91.0%,但近50%群系仅在1~2个保护区中有分布。未受到保护的群系有6个,分别是黄柳(Salix flavida)灌丛、差不嘎蒿(Artemisia halodendron)半灌丛、冰草(Agropyrom cristatum)草原、驼绒藜(Ceratoides latens)荒漠、野黑麦(Hordeum brevisubulatum)草甸和川蔓藻(Ruppia rostellata)群落,其主要分布于吉林省西部地区。总体来说,吉林省大部分自然植被都得到了较为全面的保护,但保护力度有待加强。另外,就地保护存在明显保护空缺,亟待通过完善自然保护区网络使其得到有效保护。


      Abstract: Based on literatures available and data and information gathered in scientific surveys of nature reserves, status quo of in situ conservation and protection gaps for natural vegetation in Jilin Province, China was analyzed. Results show that Jilin Province has a total of 8 vegetation type groups, 11 vegetation types, 18 vegetation subtypes, 32 formation groups and 67 formations. Among the 67 formations, 61 are distributed in nature reserves, thus making the in situ conservation rate up to 91.0%, but about a half are only found in 1 -2 nature reserves. and 6 formations, i.e.. Salix flavida, Artemisia halodendron, Agropyron cristatum, Ceratoides latens,Hordeum brevisubulatum, and Ruppia rostellata are mainly distributed in West Jillin and still waiting for protection. Generally speaking, though most of the natural vegetations in Jilin are under protection, while more efforts should be made to further intensify the protection. In addition, there are still some protection gaps in the in situ conservation, which need to be filled up by further improving the network of nature reserves so as to provide effective protection to the natural vegetations in Jilin Province.


