Based on literatures available and data and information gathered in scientific surveys of nature reserves, status quo of
in situ conservation and protection gaps for natural vegetation in Jilin Province, China was analyzed. Results show that Jilin Province has a total of 8 vegetation type groups, 11 vegetation types, 18 vegetation subtypes, 32 formation groups and 67 formations. Among the 67 formations, 61 are distributed in nature reserves, thus making the
in situ conservation rate up to 91.0%, but about a half are only found in 1 -2 nature reserves. and 6 formations, i.e..
Salix flavida,
Artemisia halodendron,
Agropyron cristatum,
Ceratoides latens,
Hordeum brevisubulatum, and
Ruppia rostellata are mainly distributed in West Jillin and still waiting for protection. Generally speaking, though most of the natural vegetations in Jilin are under protection, while more efforts should be made to further intensify the protection. In addition, there are still some protection gaps in the
in situ conservation, which need to be filled up by further improving the network of nature reserves so as to provide effective protection to the natural vegetations in Jilin Province.